Tuesday, January 1, 2013

The Journey Continues, 2013

How did you celebrate the first day in 2013?  My husband and I celebrated the New Year with coffee in hand, watching the Rose Parade.   

The theme of two favorite floats could be called “union.”   These were:
The Farmers Insurance float with the marriage union celebrated, almost as romantic and sweet as the Natural Balance Pet Foods float with the young Army Sergeant reunited w/ his wife and son.

The Disney float was beautiful (of course).  So was HGTV’s float (ditto). The Korean War Memorial float was amazing, beautiful artistically and very moving.  My thanks go to all who have served our country to protect our freedom. 

The parade hosts on HGTV were thrilled when a stealth bomber flew overhead, but I kept thinking, “This plane drops bombs that kill.”  I admit, however, it was a sight to see.  Seeing its approach would give most folks goose bumps, no matter what their thoughts on the plane’s purpose.  

I loved what Parade Marshall Jane Goodall said.
My dream for this New Year's Day is for everyone to think of the places we can all go if we work together to make our world a better place. Every journey starts with a step –    
 May God grant us travel mercy along the way.

Lutherans have been working to make the world a better place.  I’ll talk about this soon.  But before sharing a prayer, I want to extend a shout out to our Lutheran brothers and sisters in Christ for their great parade float today.

Winter trail at the city's edge.
We follow your path, O Lord, Jesus,
  a rhythm of motion and rest,
  all moments to glorify you.
Lord, may your people emerge from the shadows
  and live as the redeemed.
By the power of the Holy Spirit,
  may we love as you love us,
  may we worship in glory with you, free,
  to serve the world faithfully.  Amen.

1 comment:

  1. This was the Putnam Trail in Van Cortlandt Park on January 1, 2013. A nice walk but a bit cold and muddy!
