Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Pause and Consider

  A foggy mix of bluish-greys 

Looking out my back window, I only can see as far as my neighbor’s evergreen, about one hundred yards back.  The long view is shortened this early morning.
Most winter days in my part of New York offer long views and times to pause and consider horizons.  Yet this foggy morning also invites me to pause --                                                      pause, pray, and breathe.    Selah* 

Psalm 89 (NIRV)
1 Lord, I will sing about your great love forever.
    For all time to come, I will tell how faithful you are.
2 I will tell everyone that your love stands firm forever.
    I will tell them that you are always faithful, even in heaven itself.

3 You said, “Here is the covenant I have made with my chosen one.
    Here is the promise I have made to my servant David.
4 ‘I will make your family line continue forever.
    I will make your kingdom secure for all time to come.’”   Selah

 *The term Selah appears dozens of times in the Book of Psalms in Hebrew scripture; however, its meaning is unclear.  Selah indicates a pause of some sort.  One common interpretation is “pause and consider.”   

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