Tuesday, April 9, 2013

A morning prayer

A prayer

Lord God, you alone are Lord.  You alone are Holy.  You alone are most high, Jesus Christ.  Your mercies are new every morning.  Your love is everlasting. 

You alone offer a divine spirit, Your Holy Spirit, who lives in all who believe in You as Savior, honor You as Lord, walk with You as a friend and brother. 

I need you, Lord.  Without you, I am nothing.  In you, I have all.  What a reason to celebrate!  In you I have all!  Thank you, Lord, for loving me and inviting me into your light and love.  Transform me, renew me, empower me so that I can express your love in my words and actions. 

To You be the glory,
   by the power of the Holy Spirit,
      in Jesus' name.  Amen.

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